Hurricane Irma: 5 Jokes That Will Make Your Day

Hurricane Irma is reportedly the largest hurricane out of the Atlantic Ocean, and Floridians have been understandably freaking out. Bread and cases of water flew off the shelves, homes and businesses were boarded up, and gas stations ran dry ahead of the storm.

A common trend, however, is the humor surrounding the storm. Major Florida newspapers like the Miami Herald, Palm Beach Post, Tampa Bay Times, and others came out with articles about the best "Hurricane Irma Memes" to hit Florida. As Floridians prepared to take shelter, it appeared they weren't too concerned about the storm and used some humor to get through it. Dozens of memes and even fake Facebook events were created to make some light of the situation.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1.  This comparison of the size of Irma to Peyton Manning:

2. This brilliant solution to send Irma back to where it came from:

3.  This no-so-subtle jab to Trump's immigration policy:

4. Another brilliant solution to deter Irma:
5.  This very real reaction to Hurricane Irma actually hitting:

These are just a few of the dozens I've seen online, and now that I've officially survived 19 hours without power thanks to Irma, these are that much more applicable to me! 


  1. This is hilarious. I sent out the meme of Hurricane Irma fitting on Peyton Manning's forehead to everyone in my fantasy football league. I think it good to joke and keep the mood lighthearted when people want to be so negative about their situations after the storm. I was hoping the whole time that the storm would be named Hurricane Ian given the mass amount of joke potential.

  2. Taylor, I loved your blog post! I also wrote a blog about Hurricane Irma memes/how the internet has been hilarious with this natural disaster. I think its so important that people on social media are posting funny and entertaining posts to make this scary situation seem a little lighter. I loved all of the memes that you posted, especially the Facebook event to point fans at Irma to blow her away lol.

  3. I think this post is great! I actually laughed out loud when I saw the memes on number one and number three. I think it is good to stay positive during difficult times and this post definitely helps. My post also deals with Hurricane Irma so I thought it was great that someone posted something more lighthearted about the hurricane.

  4. This is awesome! Aside from classes being cancelled these memes were about the only good outcome from the storm. Personally some of my favorites included "Care Bear stare at hurricane Irma" and "Goth dancing to blow hurricane Irma away." I think everyone could appreciate the comic relief during the storm.


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